Nickname ……………………………Genny
Born …………………………. 11.4.2003
Czech Junior Champion, Club Champion
Czech Champion, Polish Champion
Slovak Champion, Luxembourg Champion
r.CACA – European dog show Tulln 2005
2x CAJC, 9xCAC, 3x CWC, 5x CACIB, 7x ČKŠ,
5x BOB, BIG3, BIS, r.BIS, r.CAC, r.CACIB,
National Speciality Winner, Club Winner
National Winner, 3x Best standard schnauzer,
2x Regional Winner, BIS – Junior
Work exams:
Genny je záchranářský pes, agility má jen jako doplňkový sport. Má složeny tyto zkoušky: /
Genny is a SAR dog, she does agility just for fun. She has got the following work exams:
vytrvalostní / tenacious: VZ1, VZ2
záchranářské / SAR: ZZZ, RH-E, RH-TA, ZZP 1, ZZP 2, ZLP 1 (laviny / avalanche), ZVP 1 (vodní / water), ZZP-N (noční / night)
agility: LA1, Genny + Coran – WINNERS in couples competition on All breeds agility cup 2005
3rd place on Czech Club Agility Championchip
bonitace 00/5A/5, 48cm/48 cm, hlava/head 22cm, hřbet/back 39 cm
Test na barvení srsti negativní / test for coloring of the coat is negative
Health tests: HD 1/1
owner/majitel: G. Krpatová, Podmoklany |